Miks On Ghee Tervisele Kasulik?


Miks On Ghee Tervisele Kasulik?
Miks On Ghee Tervisele Kasulik?

Tunnistagem ausalt - kui me saaksime, siis kõik meelsasti sööksime oma võiga üle. Kuid see on lihtsalt kutse südamehaiguste vastu. Mis on tervislikum alternatiiv? Ghee!

Ghee (selitatud või) on kangelase koostisosa, mis on tuntud igapäevaste söögikordade maitsvaks muutmise poolest. Lisaks suurepärasele maitsmisele pakub see toidurasv ka mitmeid eeliseid tervisele, eriti teie südamele.

Kõlab ju absurdselt? Teaduslike tõendite ja selgituste saamiseks lugege seda artiklit. Pühkige üles!


  • Rohkem Ghee kohta
  • Ghee omamise 8 üllatavat eelist
  • Ghee toitumisprofiil
  • Kuidas teha Ghee kodus
  • Kuidas Ghee’t säilitada
  • Millised on Ghee regulaarse kasutamise kõrvalmõjud?
  • Kui palju on päevas süüa ohutut Ghee't?

Rohkem Ghee kohta

Rohkem Ghee kohta
Rohkem Ghee kohta


Ghee või selitatud või on enamikus India köökides eelistatud toiduvalmistamise põhitooted. Ayurveda kasutab ghee't mitmes terapeutilises preparaadis (1).

Ghans on sanskriti keeles tuntud ka kui ghrta või ghrita, väidetavalt on see kõige tervislikum loomulik söödava rasva allikas. Ajurveeda väidab, et see soodustab pikaealisust ja immuunsust (1), (2).

Mis 60-70% küllastunud rasvu ja 0% säilitusaineid, lehma ghee võimalik kaitsta oma südame tervisele. Seda tuntakse ka Medha Rasayana või ajutoonikuna. Hiljutised rottide uuringud näitavad, et ghee suurendab täiskasvanute ja laste mälu, õppimist ja meelde tuletamist (3).

Laboratoorsed uuringud tõestavad ghee mitmesuguseid eeliseid tervisele. Kas soovite teada, mis need on? Pühkige üles!

Ghee omamise 8 üllatavat eelist

Ghee optimaalsetes kogustes tarbimine säilitab teie südame ja aju tervise. See võib aidata ka kaalulangust ja haavade paranemist.

1. Omab kardioprotektiivseid omadusi

Viimastel aastatel on ghee olnud seotud südame-veresoonkonna haigustega. Kuid uuringud pakuvad vastuolulist vaadet. Osana keerulist uuringus rottidel söödeti 10% dieedi pühvlivõi võtta 4 nädalat.

See ei näidanud mingit toimet rottide seerumi lipiidiprofiilidele ja maksa tervisele (1).

Tegelikult näitasid muud loomkatsed seerumi kolesteroolitaseme langust, eriti LDL ja VLDL taset (1).

Teine uuring viidi läbi India maapiirkonna meeste kohta. See näitas oluliselt madalam levimus südame isheemiatõbi, eriti mehed, kes tarbisid suurtes kogustes ja ghee (1). Ghee sisaldab erinevaid rasvu, mis võivad aidata südamele tervislikku hoogu anda.

2. Abi kaalulangus

2. Abi kaalulangus
2. Abi kaalulangus


Kuna pühvlivõi on umbes 60% küllastunud rasvu, on sageli seotud e kaalutõusu. Teadlased viisid läbi mitu loomkatset, et mõista selle toimimist. Enamik neist uuringutest teatasid vastuolulistest tulemustest (3).

Rottide uuringutes söödeti mitut uuritavat ghee, võiga ja kaubandusliku ravimiga. Rotid, et söödeti lehma pühvlivõi näitas vähenemist in kehakaalu, mis oli võrreldav ravimi Standardi (3).

See kaalukaotus võib olla tingitud ghee aitab kiiremini seedimist ja imendumist ja toidu. Ghee stimuleerib seedimise soodustamiseks maohapete sekretsiooni, erinevalt teistest seedeprotsessi aeglustavatest õlidest (3).

3. Võib parandada mälu ja aju tervist

Ghee on Ayurvedas tuntud kui Medha Rasayana või ajutoonik. Kuid selle kõrge küllastunud rasvasisaldus muudab selle vähem soovitavaks (3).

Lehm ghee sisaldab õiges koguses polüküllastumata rasvhappeid (PUFA). See sisaldab ka oomega-3 rasvhappeid nagu eikosapentaeenhape (EPA), dokosaheksaeenhape (DHA), kolesterooli ja linoleenhapet. Need rasvhapped mängivad olulist rolli dementsuse ja neurodegeneratiivsete haiguste ennetamisel (3).

Suurtes kogustes DHA- d leitakse ajukoores. Samuti on teie ajus kolesterooli > 2% (massi järgi), seletades sellega selle rolli nõuetekohases toimimises. Piisavad ghee annused võivad seega mõjutada sujuvat aju signaalimist, vaimset erksust ja mälu (1), (3).

4. Võib ennetada vähki

Vähi arengu algfaasid (kantserogenees) toimuvad erinevate rakkude lipiidmembraanides. Kui sobivad ensüümid reageerivad kantserogeensete (vähki põhjustavate ainete) molekulidega, käivitavad need kasvaja arengu (4).

Kartsinogeneesi saab taandada membraani lipiidide koostise muutmisega. Pühvlivõi sisaldab küllastunud ja monoküllastumata rasvad, mida saab muuta keemias nende lipiidid (4).

Kuna ghee on piimatoode, sisaldab see konjugeeritud linoolhapet (CLA). CLA on dokumenteeritud vähivastane aine. Ka loomkatsed toetavad ghee kasvajavastast toimet käärsoole-, rinna- ja maksavähi korral võrreldes teiste toidurasvadega (4).

5. Võib säilitada kolesterooli taset

Erinevalt võist on ghees õige pikkade ja lühikeste küllastunud rasvhapete segu. See koostis muudab lihtsamaks, et seedimine ghee. Samuti on sellel suhteliselt suurem polüküllastumata rasvhapete (PUFA) sisaldus kui võisarnastel rasvadel (3).

PUFAs abi tõhus eritumine on kolesterool. See omakorda takistab kolesterooli kogunemise ja peroksüdatsiooni thatcause südamehaigused (3).

Konjugeeritud linoolhappe (CLA) olemasolu ghees kontrollib ka teie lipiidide taset rangelt. Kõigest 0,5% of CLA On leitud, et vähendada kõigi triglütseriidid järgi 28% ! Võttes pühvlivõi võib ei suurenda HDL tasemeid, kuid see võib takistada akumulatsiooni kolesterooli, seega tasakaalustades seerumi lipiidide profiili (3).

6. Ravib haavu ja põletikulisi arme

6. Ravib haavu ja põletikulisi arme
6. Ravib haavu ja põletikulisi arme


Ghee is used as an ointment base in several Ayurvedic preparations. In combination with honey, it is useful in treating wounds, swelling, burns, and blisters (5), (6).

Ghee can regulate the production of prostaglandins (compounds that increase inflammation) with the help of its abundant essential fatty acid content. By controlling the secretion of such molecules, ghee improves the rate of healing and recovery (5).

This cooking fat can also relieve chronic pain from hemorrhoids. Apply a combination of cow ghee and Shorea robusta resin in the rectal prolapse. It may reduce the burning sensation and excess secretion (5). Consult your doctor before trying out this remedy.

The butyrate in ghee can help in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract and body.

7. Boosts Digestion

Ayurveda claims that ghee is easy to digest. It is light on your tummy, unlike other cooking oils. Cow ghee lubricates the digestive tract and enhances digestion without irritating the stomach (7).

It also balances the gastric acid secretion in your gut. This way, the inner mucosal layer of the stomach remains protected. It also cleanses the colon,which indirectly frees your bowel movement (7).

Pregnant women are advised to have meals cooked in milk and ghee to prevent constipation, nausea, and vomitings in the early months. In later months, regulated servings of ghee may promote fetal development (8).

8. Hydrates And Repairs Your Skin

Ghee is said to be effective in treating skin rashes, allergies, and dryness. It is rich in essential fatty acids. Deficiency of these omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids manifests as toad skin (phrynoderma) and horny eruptions on the limbs (5).

Consuming ghee or topically applying it improves the moisture-holding capacity of your skin. Massaging it into your skin stimulates the production of endorphins. Endorphins enhance your immunity. Following a routine of ghee-massaging and bathing has shown to slow down the process of aging,too (8).

Using different preparations of ghee with milk and lentils on your face may improve your complexion. Applying a ghee-based foot pack with bee wax, potassium and sodium salts can soften cracked heels and rough soles (9).

It is, hence, proven that having ghee is good for your health. The saturated fats and cholesterol content of this ingredient are more helpful than harmful.

Scroll down to find out how much of the essential nutrients ghee contains.

Nutrition Profile of Ghee

Nutrient Unit Value per 100 g
Water g 0.5
Energy kcal 900
Energy kJ 3766
Protein g 0
Total lipid (fat) g 100
Carbohydrate, by difference g 0
Fiber, total dietary g 0
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg 0
Vitamin A, IU IU 4000
Fatty acids, total saturated g 60
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated g 4
Fatty acids, total trans g 0
Cholesterol mg 300

Since ghee has almost no trans fat, it can be used for cooking. It is also a good idea to have a bottle of ghee on hand as it serves as an excellent topical therapeutic agent.

Why not make it yourself?

Follow the simple steps listed below to prepare ghee from scratch in your kitchen.

How To Make Ghee At Home

Kuidas teha Ghee kodus
Kuidas teha Ghee kodus


Making ghee at home is worth all the time you invest in it. The final product is pure and free of almost all contaminants. Here’s how you can do it.

What You Need

  • Cream or fat from (preferably high-fat) milk: around 1 kg
  • Storage glass jars
  • Yogurt: small amount (as starter culture)
  • Churning rod or suitable setup
  • Heating pan or microwave
  • Muslin cloth (or equivalent): to filter

Let’s Make It

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of yogurt to a medium or large-sized container (that can fit 1 kg of cream).
  2. Collect the cream or fat layer in this container from high-fat or regular milk for about 8-9 days. Keep the container in the refrigerator during this period as cream turns bad quickly.
  3. After you have collected enough cream, you need to start churning it. Use a churner for this step.
  4. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cold water. Churn for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Keep adding water to separate the “buttermilk” from the mixture.
  6. After 8-10 minutes of churning, you will notice bubbles of butter at the top separating from the liquid part.
  7. Collect this layer of butter in another container.
  8. Add this extracted butter to a deep utensil and let it melt on low heat.
  9. Stir the mixture properly when the fat starts to melt. Cook on low flame for about 18-20 minutes. The bubbles/foam will start to settle, and the mixture will turn into a golden liquid.
  10. Scoop this liquid (or crude ghee) into a clean container.
  11. Boil this crude ghee on high heat for 3-4 minutes. You will see the milk granules charring at the bottom of the vessel.
  12. Turn off the heat. Let the ghee cool down for another 10 minutes.
  13. Filter the ghee from the dark brown milk granules into a clean container.

Congratulations! You just made a batch of unadulterated and pure ghee (clarified butter).

You can use this ghee for a good 8-10 months! Check out how you can store it in the next section.

How To Store Ghee

Store ghee in a clean, well-finished glass jar. Keep the jar in a cool and dark place for long-term storage.

You don’t need to refrigerate ghee even after opening a jar.

But, if it is in use for over 3 months, storing it in the fridge will extend its shelf life.

Ideally, you should finish home-made ghee within a year. Beyond that, you may need to keep doing a smell-and-look test every week.

The best way out is to prepare small batches of ghee at a time.

If that is not feasible, make a big batch and store the filtered ghee in multiple small jars. Pick jars that can hold a month’s serving size.

You can store the rest in the fridge or outside, depending on your room temperature.

Substitute your regular cooking oil with this clarified butter and see how tasty your food turns out!

But, wait.

Ghee is 60% saturated fats. Won’t cooking with it regularly be harmful?

In other words, aren’t there any side effects of consuming ghee in generous amounts?

Check out the next section for answers.

What Are The Side Effects Of Having Ghee Regularly?

Although it is claimed that ghee increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, scientific literature does not agree entirely with the statement (1), (3), (10).

Animal studies prove that ghee, when it constitues up to 10% of your diet, does not have any adverse effects.

In fact, at this dose, ghee exhibits protective effects on the vital organs. The lipid profiles also remained unchanged in rat subjects at this dose (10).

Compared to other cooking oils (that are rich in SFAs), ghee is probably the least harmful (10).

Coming to the next obvious question…

How Much Ghee Is It Safe To Eat In A Day?

If you are looking for a recommended dietary intake limit for ghee, you may not find one because a set range or limit has not beenestablished yet.

However, the American Heart Association recommends limiting the consumption of saturated fats to less than 7% of energy intake (1).

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) states that about 25–30% of calories should come from fat. Some invisible fats (about 25-30 g/day) are consumed through staple foods and nuts.

This leaves you with only 15-20 g of fats. Therefore, just 3-4 teaspoons of cooking oil/fat should be consumed daily (11).

Within this limit, what would be the best way to consume ghee?

Having a spoonful of raw ghee on an empty stomach is considered to be the most effective way. Although Ayurveda vouches for this, it is not backed by scientific evidence yet.

Instead, you can add ghee to your breakfast – on your toast, with salad, or in oatmeal. Replacing salted/unsalted butter with ghee works well.

In Summary

Strictly speaking, not many of us can adhere to the set limits of oil intake. The least we can do is to choose oils/fats that have minimal adverse effects. Ghee is the best choice in such cases.

Ghee offers purity, taste, and health and is devoid of impurities. Switching to ghee can make your meals healthy and strengthening.

Contact your healthcare provider/nutritionist to get a suitable serving size for you and your family.

11 sources

Stylecraze'il on ranged hankimisjuhised ja see tugineb eelretsenseeritud uuringutele, akadeemilistele uurimisasutustele ja meditsiiniliitudele. Vältime kolmanda taseme viidete kasutamist. Lisateavet selle kohta, kuidas meie sisu on täpne ja ajakohane, saate lugeda meie toimetuseeskirjadest.

  • "Ghee (selitatud või) mõju seerumi lipiidide tasemele ja mikrosomaalsele lipiidide peroksüdatsioonile" AYU, USA Rahvusraamatukogu


  • "Ghee 9 tervisega seotud kasu" ECPI BLOG, Idaranniku Polütehnilise Instituudi (ECPI) ülikool


  • “Comparison between the Effect of Cow Ghee and Butter on Memory and Lipid Profile of Wistar Rats” Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, US National Library of Medicine


  • “Effects of cow ghee (clarified butter oil) & soybean oil on carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes in rats” Indian Journal of Medical Research, US National Library of Medicine


  • “Wound Healing Activity of Topical Application Forms Based on Ayurveda” Original Article, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CiteSeerX, The Pennsylvania State University


  • “The Role of Natural Medicines on Wound Healing: A Biomechanical, Histological, Biochemical and Molecular Study” Open Access Institutional Repository, Manipal Academy of Higher Education


  • “The Versatility of Cow Ghee-An Ayurveda Perspective” Review, American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics


  • “Diet and regimen during pregnancy” Sanjeevani Ayurveda, CiteSeerX, The Pennsylvania University


  • „NAHAHOOLDUS AJURVEDAS: KIRJANDUSLIK LÄBIVAATAMINE“Rahvusvaheline farmaatsiauuringute ajakiri, Moksha kirjastus, Academia


  • "Võrdlus sinepiõli ja pühvlivõi Tarbimine ajalugu Koronaartõve linnaelanikke India" Original artikli Toitumine jagu, Journal of Clinical ja diagnostika Research, Academia


  • “Keetmisõlid tervises ja haigustes” India Arstide Liit, CiteSeerX, Pennsylvania osariigi ülikool



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