22 Parimat Kasu Kaerahelbedest Nahale, Juustele Ja Tervisele


Video: 22 Parimat Kasu Kaerahelbedest Nahale, Juustele Ja Tervisele

Video: 22 Parimat Kasu Kaerahelbedest Nahale, Juustele Ja Tervisele
Video: Fire Joker. Parimatch ЗАНОС. Словил поляну семерок. (Конкурс) 2024, September
22 Parimat Kasu Kaerahelbedest Nahale, Juustele Ja Tervisele
22 Parimat Kasu Kaerahelbedest Nahale, Juustele Ja Tervisele

Üks kuulsamaid hommikusöögivalikuid - kaer. Ja nad on seda põhjusega. Kaer on teravilja liik, mis on tuntud oma seemne poolest. Lisaks inimtoiduks kasutatakse kaera ka kariloomade söödana. Ja kaerahelbed on see, mis on valmistatud kaerast - jahvatatud, jahvatatud, valtsitud või terasest lõigatud kaerast.

Kui te kaera ei söö, peate need kohe oma rutiinist osa võtma. Aga miks? Noh, me ütleme teile.


  • Millised on kaera kasu tervisele?
  • Kas neil on kasu ka nahale?
  • Ja juuksed?
  • Mida ma pean kaera kohta veel teadma?
  • Nende ajalugu?
  • Mis on kaera toitained?
  • Aga retseptid?
  • Valik ja ladustamine
  • Kas mõni muu kaera kasutusala on? Ja kuidas süüa teha?
  • Naljakad faktid? Igasugune?
  • Kust osta kaera?
  • Mõtlen, kas kaeral on ka kõrvaltoimeid

Millised on kaera kasu tervisele?

See hommikusöögiks tavaliselt söödav teravili on täis toitaineid. Toidus sisalduvad kiudained (beetaglükaan on kõige olulisem neist) ja kaeras sisalduvad mineraalid aitavad vältida arvukalt ohtlikke seisundeid, nagu südamehaigused, diabeet, rasvumine ja isegi vähk. Need parandavad ka teie naha ja juuste tervist.

1. Parandage südame tervist

Kaer sisaldab võimas kiudu, mida nimetatakse beeta-glükaaniks, mis aitab vähendada kolesteroolitaset. Beeta-glükaan on kaeras lahustuva kiudaine põhikomponent ja see vähendab halba kolesterooli, mõjutamata hea kolesterooli taset (1). Kaera antioksüdandid (avenantramiidid ja fenoolhapped) toimivad koos C-vitamiiniga, et vältida LDL-i oksüdatsiooni, mis võib samuti põhjustada südamehaigusi (2).

Kaerakliid sisaldavad ka E-vitamiini, mis on veel üks toitainet südame tervisele. Huvitavam on see, et kaerakliid sisaldavad rohkem kiudaineid (15–26 protsenti) kui kaerahelbed (7 protsenti). Ühes uuringus oli kaerakliide tarbimine seotud keskmise üldkolesterooli vähenemisega 12 protsenti (3).

Ühe teise Austraalia uuringu kohaselt on kaerakiud kolesteroolitaset alandavam kui nisukiud. Uuringus on ka öeldud, et kaerahelbed või kliid võivad tõepoolest vähendada südame-veresoonkonna haiguste riski (4). Kaerakliid aitavad ka blokeerida nende ainete imendumist soolestikus, mis võivad soodustada südamehaigusi (5).

Vastavalt Harvardi meditsiinikoolile on kaer kolesteroolitaseme alandamiseks parim täisteravilja vorm. Ja kui soovite oma dieeti lisada rohkem täistera kaera, võite proovida terasest lõigatud versiooni (6). Wisconsini ülikooli Madisoni aruande kohaselt toimib beeta-glükaan, mis on eksklusiivne ainult kaerale, ka südametervisliku kemikaalina (7).

2. Abi diabeediravis

Kaera glükeemiline indeks on madal ja nende kõrge kiudainesisaldus aitab reguleerida veresuhkru taset. Kiudainerikas kaer seedub samuti aeglaselt. Kiiresti seeditav toit võib põhjustada veresuhkru kiire kasvu - see muudab veresuhkru tõusude juhtimise keeruliseks. Kaerahelbed muudavad mao sisu palju paksemaks, muutes need aeglaselt seeditavaks. Ühe uuringu kohaselt võib kaerahelbed vähendada ka insuliini annuseid.

Ühe uuringu kohaselt mõjutab kaera tarbimine soodsalt 2. tüüpi diabeediga patsientide glükoosi- ja lipiidiprofiile (8). Samuti leiti, et kaeras sisalduvad beeta-glükaanid vähendavad tarbimisel vere glükoosisisaldust (9). Arvukad uuringud on vihjanud ka sellele, et kaer või kaeraga rikastatud toidud võivad oluliselt vähendada söögijärgset hüperglükeemiat. Samuti pole kõikvõimalikud kaerad head. Eemale maitsestatud või kiirsortidest - need on suhkruga koormatud ja pakuvad vastupidist sellele, mida otsite (10).

Oma retseptides võite kasutada kaera leivapuru asendajana.

3. Võib aidata kõhukinnisust leevendada

Kaerahelbed - võivad aidata kõhukinnisust leevendada
Kaerahelbed - võivad aidata kõhukinnisust leevendada

Kuna kaerahelbed sisaldavad palju kiudaineid, võib see aidata ka kõhukinnisust leevendada. Samuti leiti, et kaer suurendab väljaheite kaalu, ravides seeläbi kõhukinnisust. Neil võib olla isegi pärasoolevähi eest kaitsev roll (11).

Teises uuringus leiti, et kaerakliid parandavad vanematel täiskasvanutel kõhukinnisust ja B12 biosaadavust (12).

Kaer sisaldab rikkalikult lahustumatuid kiudaineid. See kehtib eriti terasest lõigatud ja vanamoodsa valtsitud kaera kohta. Lahustumatud kiudained on soolestiku tervisele väga kasulikud, selle üheks eeliseks on kõhukinnisuse ravi.

Kuid teatavad isikud on pärast kaerahelbedest teatanud kõhukinnisuse sümptomitest. Põhjus võib olla see, et kaerahelbed võivad teatud tingimustel põhjustada soolegaase. Kaer sisaldab ka suures koguses lahustuvaid kiudaineid, mis võib põhjustada liigset gaasi.

4. Aidake vähi vastu võidelda

Kaera antioksüdandid võivad aidata vähiga võidelda. Ja kaeras sisalduvad kiudained võivad ära hoida pärasoole ja käärsoolevähki (nagu juba arutatud). Ehkki vähi vastu võitlemiseks sobiva kaerahelbepudeli tüübi kohta on vähe uuringuid, on parem jääda sordi juurde, milles tunnete end hästi.

12 uuringu kogum, milles osales üle 800 000 inimese, näitas, et päevas suure kausitäie pudruga (teine nimi kaerale) võtmine võib vähendada vähktõve ohtu kuni 20 protsenti. Kiudainete tarbimine võib vähendada ka soolevähi riski (13).

Siinkohal räägime veel kord avenantramiididest - spetsiaalsetest ühenditest, mis esinevad kaeras. Neil on põletikuvastased omadused ja nad on osa kaerataime kaitsemehhanismist. Leiti, et need ühendid pärsivad vähirakkude kasvu tervislikke kahjustamata (14).

5. Aidake ravida hüpertensiooni

Leiti, et kaera tarbimine vähendab süstoolset vererõhku 7,5 ja diastoolset vererõhku 5,5 punkti võrra. See mitte ainult ei vähenda teie vererõhku, vaid vähendab ka südamehaiguste riski 22 protsenti. Sel eesmärgil saate valida keedetud (mitte kohese) ja orgaanilise kaerajahu.

Kaera lisamine hüpertensiivsete patsientide tavapärasele toidule andis kasulikke mõjusid. Uuringus jõuti järeldusele, et lahustuvad kiudainerikkad kaerad võiksid olla tõhus dieetteraapia hüpertensiooni ennetamiseks ja raviks (15). Teine uuring viitab sellele, et kaerarikas dieet võib vähendada antihüpertensiivsete ravimite vajadust (16). Kaeras sisalduv beeta-glükaan avaldab kasulikku mõju rasvunud inimeste süsivesikute ainevahetusele ja vererõhu tasemele (17).

Kaerahelbed on tuntud ka kui mugavustoit. See vähendab stressihormoonide taset ja suurendab serotoniini - see kutsub esile rahulikkuse tunde (18). Kõik see aitab kaasa ka madalale vererõhule.

6. Parandage immuunsust

Kaerahelvestes sisalduv beeta-glükaan võib suurendada teie immuunsuse taset. Enamikul teie keha immuunrakkudest on spetsiaalsed retseptorid, mis on mõeldud beetaglükaani imendumiseks. See tõstab valgete vereliblede aktiivsust ja kaitseb haiguste eest. Kaer sisaldab ka rohkesti seleeni ja tsinki, millel on oma osa nakkuste vastu võitlemisel.

Norra uuringu kohaselt on kaeras sisalduv beeta-glükaan palju tugevam kui ehhiaatsia (Põhja-Ameerika lill, mis on populaarne oma tervendavate omaduste poolest). Ühend võib kiirendada haavade paranemist ja muuta antibiootikumid inimestel tõhusamaks.

Intake of beta-glucan was also found to enhance immunity following exercise stress (19). This compound also helps offset respiratory infections post exercise stress. Beta-glucans also improve the ability of macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells – making them further effective in fighting against a wide range of microbes like bacteria, viruses, and fungi (20).

Beta-glucans are also used to improve immunity in individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or physical or emotional stress. They also improve immune levels during intense treatments like chemotherapy or radiation (21).

Early introduction of oats is also associated with a reduced risk of asthma (22). Another study reveals that babies that are fed porridge can be protected from asthma. The risk of childhood asthma can be reduced by two-thirds if the babies are fed oats within the first five months of birth. This can be attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties of oats (23).

7. Can Aid Weight Loss

Kaerahelbed - kas see aitab kaalulangust
Kaerahelbed - kas see aitab kaalulangust

Oats offer weight loss benefits – more so if you purchase plain oats without any added flavorings. Because packaged oatmeal comes loaded with sugar.

Oats, as we already saw, are full of fiber. It can make you feel satiated for longer periods and discourage you from binging. As per a Taiwanese study, oats prevent obesity and the distribution of abdominal fat. And if taken as a daily supplement, oats can even act as an adjuvant therapy for metabolic disorders (24).

Instant oatmeal was also found to increase satiety and energy intake when compared to an oat-based ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. Which is why you can replace foods in your diet with oatmeal and stay full for longer (25). Simply put, oats can fill you up.

Studies have also found that a diet rich in whole grains like oats can help regulate body weight. High consumption of whole grains is inversely associated with body mass index (26).

Oats can also soak up water, which further adds to its satiating properties. And the beta-glucan in oats can delay the emptying of the stomach.

Even oatmeal water is known to aid weight loss. All you need are one cup of oats, a couple of cinnamon sticks, and two liters of water. Blend all. You can consume this on an empty stomach for an entire month before you see results. And, of course, this must be accompanied by proper diet and exercise.

If you are having oats for breakfast, you can flavor them with fiber-rich toppings like raspberries or almonds. And yes, avoid fatty toppings like peanut butter.

[Read: How Oats Help With Weight Loss]

8. Promote Bone Health

Oats offer a host of minerals essential for bone health. Steel-cut oats are preferred to the rolled variety as the former has less air exposure and is less likely to turn rancid. However, try to avoid instant oatmeal as it can turn rancid very quickly.

Another important mineral oats are rich in is silicon. This mineral has a role to play in bone formation and maintenance. Silicon can also aid in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (27).

However, according to a report by the University of Pennsylvania, oats might hinder the absorption of calcium (28). Hence, consult your doctor before taking oats for this purpose.

9. Enhance Sleep Quality

The amino acids and other nutrients in oats help produce melatonin, the chemical that induces sleep (29). And when mixed with milk or honey, oats become a wonderful bedtime snack.

Whole grain oats also promote insulin production, which helps the neural pathways receive tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that acts as a sedative to the brain. Oats are also rich in vitamin B6, which helps reduce stress (one major cause of sleeplessness). Combining oats with milk and bananas can further help your body relax.

The carbs in oats also release serotonin, the ‘feel good’ hormone that reduces stress and makes you feel calm (30).

10. Relieve Symptoms Of Menopause

Increased intake of fiber can relieve irritability caused during menopause, and oats can work wonders in this aspect.

But there’s a catch – oats contain lignans, a type of phytoestrogens. And studies are unsure about the beneficial effects of phytoestrogens during menopause (31). Also, having cooked oatmeal for a week can increase phlegm and slow down the metabolism in certain people. If you are experiencing such effects, switch to basmati rice and steamed vegetables and consult your doctor.

11. Boost Energy

Since carbs are the body’s primary source of energy, and since oats are rich in carbs, they offer an energy boost when consumed right in the morning. But worry not – oats are absorbed much slower in the body, and this gives you a longer-lasting boost (in addition to not spiking your blood sugar levels). And the B vitamins in oats (like thiamin, niacin, and folate) work together to help your body metabolize energy.

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Do They Have Benefits For Skin As Well?

Very much. Oats help prevent acne and improve complexion. They even act as a natural skin cleanser. Your favorite porridge (or oats) has superb benefits for your face – an oatmeal face mask would do the trick.

12. Aid In Acne Treatment

Kaerahelbed - abi akne ravimisel
Kaerahelbed - abi akne ravimisel

Oatmeal can soak up the excess oil on your skin and help treat acne. You just need to boil half a cup of oatmeal in one-third cup of water and allow it to cool. Apply the thick paste on the affected areas on your face. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, post which you can rinse with warm water. You can also make this mask with tomatoes or egg whites or onions. This is nothing but an oatmeal face wash that you can prepare right at your home.

An oatmeal scrub can also work well in treating acne. The scrub removes dead skin cells and polishes your skin. It also reduces spots and softens your skin. For the scrub, you need one tablespoon each of finely ground oatmeal, finely ground brown sugar, raw honey, and organic jojoba oil. You can also add a couple of drops each of lavender or geranium essential oil. Stir all the ingredients. Apply a small amount of this scrub on your wet face and massage in small, circular motions. You can leave it on for about 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Pat dry.

An oatmeal soap can help too. You can either purchase a pre-made soap or make your own (melt an unscented bar of soap, mix oatmeal, and allow to cool). The soap acts as a natural exfoliant and absorbs the excess oil without overdrying the skin.

Oatmeal contains zinc that reduces inflammation and kills the acne-causing bacteria. Zinc supplementation might also help reduce acne lesions (32).

However, certain reports state that oats can aggravate acne. Consult your dermatologist before using oats for treating your condition (33).

13. Treat Dry And Itchy Skin

Oatmeal, according to a study, exhibits direct antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties – and this can help treat itching associated with dry and irritated skin (34).

Even an oatmeal bath can help. Sprinkle your bath water with baking soda and uncooked oatmeal. You can also use colloidal oatmeal – which is finely ground oatmeal specifically made for the bathtub. Soak in the bath water for about 15 minutes and then pat yourself dry. Apply moisturizer while your skin is damp (35).

Oatmeal powder or oat flour can work wonders on your skin too. You can simply blend oats into a powder and then mix it with hot water to form a paste. Apply it on your skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with normal water.

And then, we have oat milk too – which is nothing but oatmeal steeped in hot water (that turns into creamy oat milk). You can use this oat milk for the skin.

14. Moisturize Skin

Oats can remove the dead skin cells and act as a natural moisturizer. And the beta-glucan they contain forms a fine film on your skin. It also penetrates deep into the skin and offers the much-needed moisture.

Simply mix 2 cups of oats with 1 cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply on your skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

You can also use oat extract for the skin.

15. Lighten Skin

The fact that oats are being used in products like body scrubs, soaps, and exfoliating creams tells us how beneficial they can be. You can use oats facial (a mixture of oat powder and milk) every morning for skin lightening.

[Read: Simple Homemade Oatmeal Face Packs]

16. Treat Poison Ivy Or Chicken Pox

For thousands of years, oatmeal has been used for treating poison ivy and symptoms of chicken pox. For relieving the itchiness caused by poison ivy or chicken pox, pour oat flour onto a cheesecloth. Tie this around the bathtub faucet and periodically squeeze out water for a tepid bath. You can also rub the pouch on the itchy areas of your skin.

17. Act As A Natural Cleanser

Oats contain compounds called saponins that act as natural cleansers and remove the dirt and oil from the pores. And by the way, they don’t cause irritation.

You can prepare oat milk (by soaking oats in water) that acts as a natural cleanser and toner. Apply the milk to your face using a cotton pad after washing your face.

You can also use oat bran bath for cleansing your skin. Place half a cup of rolled oats in a cloth and tie it into a small bag. Place this bag in your bathtub and press until all the milk is out. You can use this on your body and face (instead of soap) for mild scrubbing.

18. Protect The Skin

The proteins in oatmeal maintain the skin’s natural barrier. They even protect your skin from harsh pollutants and chemicals. The lubricating fats in oats aid in UV protection.

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And Hair?

Surprisingly, oats have benefits for your hair too. The nutrients in them make your hair stronger and scalp healthier. They also make it shinier and silkier.

19. Treat Dandruff

Kaerahelbed - ravige kõõma
Kaerahelbed - ravige kõõma

You just need 1 cup of oatmeal. Pour the oatmeal into a blender and grind it on a medium setting (till you get a fine powder). Mix this ground oatmeal with 2 cups of boiling water. Stir until the oatmeal is dissolved completely. Allow the mixture to sit for about 10 minutes. Pour this mixture through a sieve into a medium-sized bowl.

To this mixture, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Stir well. You can skip the lemon juice if you have color-treated hair. Now, add about 20 drops of your favorite essential oil to the bowl and stir. You can pour the entire mixture into an empty shampoo bottle. For using it, dampen your hair with lukewarm water and work the product into your scalp. Leave it on for 2 minutes and rinse as usual.

This oatmeal shampoo also treats itchy scalp and prevents excess oil and dirt.

20. Help Fight Hair Loss

The properties of oats that help treat dandruff also help prevent hair loss. To make an oatmeal hair mask that treats hair loss, you need 1 tablespoon each of oatmeal, fresh milk, and almond milk. Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste. You just need to ensure your hair is free from tangles before using this mask. Apply gently to your hair and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

This mask strengthens the hair follicles and makes your hair stronger.

Oats are also rich in omega-6 fatty acids that help fix damaged hair (36).

21. Improve Hair Appearance

The appearance of your hair is as important as the strength. For using oats to improve hair appearance, all you need are 3 tablespoons of plain oats, ½ cup of milk, and 1 tablespoon each of coconut oil and honey. Mix all the ingredients well. Apply the mask to your hair and scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Shampoo your hair as usual.

This mask makes your hair shine and also renders silkiness to your tresses. It moisturizes your hair as well.

22. Work Great For Blond Hair

Worry not if you have blond hair. Ground oats can work as an excellent shampoo for blond beauties. You just have to rub some ground oats over your scalp and using a bristle brush, gently brush out the excess oats.

That’s the long list of benefits. But sure it doesn’t do any harm to know a little more about oats!

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What More Do I Have To Know About Oats?

You also need to know about the different types of oats:

Oat bran – This is the first part of the oat grain that is processed. It is ground from the hull, which is packed with fiber, protein, iron, and magnesium. It is quite low in calories and very easy to cook.

Oat groats – These are what reside inside the hull of the oat grain. Its texture is similar to a thicker rice grain.

Steel-cut oats – These are nothing but oat groats chopped into pieces. Also called Irish oats, they take about 20 minutes to cook on the stove top. One-fourth cup of steel-cut oats has the same nutritional value as half a cup of uncooked rolled oats (we will discuss this).

Scottish oats – These are more finely ground steel-cut oats. They have the nuttiest flavor and natural sweetness of all types.

Rolled oats (also called old-fashioned oats) – Though these are the most processed of all types, they still hold good nutritional value. This is the type of oatmeal you would usually find in store-bought packets (unless specified otherwise). They become less chewy after cooking because of how thinly they have been rolled out.

Oat flour – This is the flour ground from whole oat groats, Scottish oats, or steel-cut oats. It is ground until totally soft.

The difference between steel-cut oats and rolled oats (the two common types) is that the former is cut into pieces, take the longest to cook, and have a toothsome and chewy texture. The latter look flat and irregularly round and can be cooked faster.

Coming to dry oats vs. cooked oats, it just takes half a cup of the former to make one cup of the latter. A cup of cooked oatmeal meets about 12 percent of your daily thiamine requirement, whereas one cup of dry oatmeal gives you about 25 percent.

Dry oatmeal contains higher concentrations of other minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.

Nice. But what about…

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Their History?

People who first started farming wheat and barley (way back in 12000 BC) weren’t impressed with oats. They were just considered a nuisance crop. But it was in 2000 BC in Scandinavia and Poland, where people noticed that oats grew a lot better than the wheat there. Around 1500 BC, farmers in northern Europe (which is colder and wetter, and hence conducive to oat growth) started growing oats on purpose.

During the Roman Empire, people were also growing and eating oats in Italy. By the Middle Ages, oats traveled to the Great Britain. Scottish settlers brought oats to North America in 1600 AD, where people initially grew oats for horses to eat. And then, the crop spread to the rest of the world.

The benefits you just saw are because of the nutrients oats contain.

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What Are The Nutrients In Oats?

Saturated Fat 2g Trans Fat Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 3mng Total Carbohydrate 103g Dietary Fiber 17g Sugars Protein 26g Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron Amounts Per Selected Serving Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Vitamin K Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Pantothenic Acid Choline Betaine Amounts Per Selected Serving Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc Copper Manganese Selenium Fluoride

And coming to brown rice and oatmeal, though both are healthy, there are certain areas where each enjoys the upper hand. Oats are lower in calories (1 cup of cooked oats contains 145 calories) than brown rice (1 cup contains 216 calories). Oats also offer less carbohydrates. However, brown rice offers more amount of niacin and B6, while oats contain double the amount of iron. Brown rice contains slightly higher levels of magnesium and manganese.

Oats contain very less sugar (0.5 grams of sugar for every 100 grams of oats). And every 100 grams of oats contains about 7 grams of fat.

And now…

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What About The Recipes?

Oat recipes are simply delicious. And healthy. Our most popular picks include Chocolate oatmeal bars, Banana oats smoothie, and Apple pie oatmeal.

1. Chocolate Oatmeal Bars

Kaerahelbed - šokolaadist kaerahelbepulgad
Kaerahelbed - šokolaadist kaerahelbepulgad
What You Need
  • ½ cup of chocolate chips
  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • 1/3 cup of fat-free condensed milk
  • ½ teaspoon of baking powder
  • ½ cup of old-fashioned oats
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt
  • ¼ cup of canola or soybean oil
  • ¾ cup of brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons of old-fashioned oats
  • 2 teaspoons of softened butter
  1. Heat the chocolate chips and milk in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Keep stirring until the chocolate melts. Set it aside. Now, heat the oven to 350o F. Spray a square pan with cooking spray.
  2. Mix the flour, half a cup of oats, baking powder, baking soda, and the salt in a large bowl. Set aside. Stir the oil, brown sugar, vanilla, and egg in a medium bowl using a fork until the mixture is smooth. Stir this into the flour mixture until everything is well blended. Set aside half a cup of dough for topping.
  3. Pat the remaining dough into a pan and spread the chocolate mixture over it. Add 2 tablespoons of oats and the butter to the dough that was set aside. Mix with a fork until the mixture is crumbly. Drop small spoonfuls of the oat mixture evenly over the chocolate mixture.
  4. Bake for about 20 minutes or until the top is firm and golden. Let it cool for about 1 ½ hours.
  5. Serve.

2. Banana Oats Smoothie

What You Need
  • ¼ cup of old fashioned oats
  • ½ cup of plain low-fat yogurt
  • 1 banana, sliced into thirds
  • ½ cup of fat-free milk
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  1. Combine all the ingredients and puree until you obtain a smooth mixture.
  2. Serve immediately.

3. Apple Pie Oatmeal

What You Need
  • 1 cup of old fashioned oats
  • 2 cups of almond milk
  • 1 thinly sliced apple
  • 2 teaspoons each of cinnamon and maple syrup
  • 1 cup of unsweetened apple sauce
  1. On a medium saucepan, combine the oats, almond milk, cinnamon, and maple syrup. Heat on low flame until most of the milk is absorbed.
  2. Add the applesauce and stir well.
  3. Wait until all the milk and applesauce are absorbed (might take some 20 minutes).
  4. Remove from heat and serve.

This is one oatmeal recipe for weight loss. It boosts your metabolism and aids in your weight reduction efforts.

And now, we head to an important section…

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Selection And Storage


Proper selection is essential to ensure that you get the maximum benefits from this cereal.

  • It is advisable to buy oats in small quantities because this grain has a higher fat content than other grains and hence, goes rancid more quickly.
  • Nowadays, oats are available in prepackaged containers as well as in bulk bins.
  • While purchasing oatmeal, always look at the ingredients list on the packet to ensure that the product does not contain salt, sugar, or other additives.
  • Always prefer to buy rolled oats or oatmeal from health shops.
  • When purchasing from bulk bins, ensure that the bins are covered and free from debris and moisture. The store should have a good product turnover to ensure that the product is fresh.


Proper storage is also a vital factor to ensure that the product retains its freshness and flavor till it is used.

  • Rolled oatmeal, like all other grains, should be kept in an airtight container to prevent moisture and vermin intrusion.
  • It should be stored in a cool, dark cupboard for up to three months or refrigerated for up to six months.
  • Oat bran has high oil content and therefore, should be refrigerated.
  • Oat flour has a slightly longer shelf life in comparison to wheat flour as oats contain a natural antioxidant that discourages rancidity
  • Oat flour should be refrigerated and used within three months. Ensure usage of your oatmeal within the expiry date stamped on the package.


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Any Other Uses Of Oats? And How To Cook?

If you are wondering how to consume oats, this is it. Oats are quite versatile and can be consumed both in cooked and raw forms. Uncooked oats are rather difficult to chew, and cooking softens them. Alternatively, you can achieve a softer texture by soaking a cup of raw oatmeal in two cups of water and leaving it for 2 hours. This raw oatmeal can be blended along with water and consumed.

Given below are other tips for eating and cooking oats.


Steel-cut Oats: Considered most suitable for breakfast, these are basically whole oat groats that have been steamed and cut into pieces. These non-flattened, steel-cut oats are coarse. Hence, they can be soaked overnight in hot water and cooked in the morning to make a pearly, chewy, whole grain breakfast. They can also be blended and are the most nutritious of oats.

Instant Oats: These are widely available in stores in small packets and are considered the least nutritious due to sugar and additives. They have a flour-like consistency and are heavily processed, steamed, rolled, dehydrated, and toasted. Being easy to blend, they can be cooked in a minute or two. Always prefer plain instant oats as the flavored ones have a high content of sugar. Plain oats have added nutrients as they have been stripped of their original nutrients.

Oatmeal Bread: Prepared from oat flour, oatmeal bread is extremely nutritious and as good as regular toast. You can try making oatmeal bread at home.

Oatmeal Cookies: These yummy cookies are a perfect combination of taste and nutrition. They can be consumed with peanut butter or chocolate bits and make for a filling snack. They are a favorite of kids.

Oat Bran: This is basically ground oats with the husk still attached. It is difficult to digest and should be soaked before use. These are generally added to smoothies and are very fibrous and nutritious.


Cooked oats are relatively sweeter than the uncooked ones. Different varieties of oats require different cooking methods and take different durations to cook.

Rolled oats take approximately 15 minutes whereas steel cut oats can be cooked in about 30 minutes.

Oat groats, being harder, require more time and water and can be cooked in 50 minutes. The best way is to add oats to cold water and simmer. They can be included in many dishes.

Filling Meal or Snack: Oats can be added to your smoothies or green smoothie to make a filling meal or snack

Nutritious Breakfast: A piping hot bowl of oatmeal with fruits and nuts can be a tasty and nutritious breakfast

As A Soup Thickening Agent: Oat flour can be used instead of corn flour to thicken sauces and soups. It can be added while the soup is being heated so that it becomes thick. Breadcrumbs can be replaced with oats

Coating For Tofu: It can be used as a coating for tofu. Tofu can be dipped in milk and then in oatmeal and fried to make it more crispy

Making Of Pancakes Or Porridge: Oatmeal can be used to make pancakes or porridge. For this purpose, you can soak your porridge oats in the fridge overnight and eat it the next day straight away

As A Sprinkling Agent On Cereals: Oat bran can be sprinkled on your hot or cold cereal

Making Of Bread, Pastas, Or Muffins: You can use whole oats or oat flour to make bread or muffins. Being extremely flexible, oats can replace fast and processed foods and can be easily used in making pastas, muffins, and croissants

And now, the fun part…

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Fun Facts? Any?

  • Oat is an annual grass, just like wheat.
  • Besides being made into cereals, the second main usage of oats in food products is as oat biscuits.
  • As per a survey, oats rank No. 1 amongst breakfast foods.
  • October 29th is the National Oatmeal Day in the USA.
  • Almost 75 percent of US households were found to have oatmeal in their cupboards.
  • The most popular oatmeal toppings are milk, sugar, and fruit.


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Where Do I Buy Oats?

You can hop to your nearest supermarket. Or check for oats online at Amazon or Bigbasket. Some of the top brands (purchase link included) are –

Quaker (certain people use Quaker oats for skin benefits), Saffola, Kellogg’s, and Bagrry’s.

You do have something else in your mind, don’t you?

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I Am Wondering If Oats Have Side Effects Too

Though oats are safe for most people (pregnant and breastfeeding women included), they can cause gas and bloating in some people. Applying oats to the skin can also cause breakouts. A couple of other side effects include:

Might Block The Intestine

If you have difficulty in chewing, avoiding oats is best. Poorly chewed oats can block the intestine and cause issues.

Digestive Issues

Avoid consuming oat products if you have any digestive ailments. They might get aggravated in some people. Consult your doctor.


Oats are so incredibly good that we didn’t even have to tell you that they are so. You already knew it all, didn’t you? Make this your regular breakfast and see your life getting better – with each passing day.

And wait, tell us how this post has made your day better. Do leave a comment below.

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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Is oatmeal gluten-free?

Usually, yes. It is safe for people with gluten intolerance. But if it is a pack of oats that is commercially processed or contaminated, it might contain gluten.

Can you eat raw oats?

Yes, but it is better you don’t eat them dry. Since oats are rich in fiber, eating them dry can cause intestinal issues. You can pour milk over uncooked oats or even mix them in water. Though dry oats contain higher concentrations of some nutrients, it’s better to consume them with a liquid.

What is the best time to eat oats?

Most people prefer oats for breakfast, but you can have them whenever you want to.

Does microwaving oatmeal affect its glycemic index?

No, it won’t.


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  4. Cereal grains and coronary heart disease “. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 2002 January.
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